Gordon Sturrock

Faculty Researcher
Science & Technology
Sport Science
  • active citizenship
  • environmental education
  • learning environments

Education summary

  • PhD, Simon Fraser
  • MEd, Simon Fraser
  • BEd, Toronto
  • HBPE, Western Ontario

Research summary

My research interests lie in the areas of sport science and environmental education with expertise centered on the assessment of learning environments related to long-term effects of active citizenship. I am deeply interested in learning environment features that help foster self-deterministic behavior, especially in the context of experiential education practices. More recently I have been engaged in the study of movement through the ecological dynamic framework related to the acquisition of perceptual-motor skills. More specifically, through a narrative review situated in the ecological dynamics theoretical framework, I seek to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of non-linear pedagogy on skill acquisition and the design of learning situations representative of real-life performance contexts.

Publications and other research outputs

  • Sturrock, G.R.; Zandvliet, D.B. (2023). Citizenship Outcomes and Place-Based Learning Environments in an Integrated Environmental Studies Program. Educ. Sci. 13(3), 292.  
  • Sturrock, G., Zandvliet, D. (2023). Effective Teaching: Linking Outcomes of Active Citizenship to Learning Environments. In: Maulana, R., Helms-Lorenz, M., Klassen, R.M. (eds). Effective Teaching Around the World. Springer, Cham.  
  • Sturrock, G. & Zandvliet, D. (2018). School learning environments and long-term outcomes related to community and civic engagement. Presented at the 2018 North American Association for Environmental Education, Spokane, Washington, USA.
  • Sturrock, G., & Sharp, R. (2018). There is a better way: Linking educational experiences to Active Citizenship. Presented at the 2018 North American Association for Environmental Education, Spokane, Washington, USA.
  • Sturrock, G. (2017). Long-term perceived outcomes of an integrated curriculum program as it relates to active citizenship (Doctoral dissertation). Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
  • Sturrock, G. (2012) An Integrated Approach (Ed.), Movers and Shakers: A Half Century of School Physical Education in British Columbia 1960 – 2010 (pp. 95-96). Vancouver, BC: Physical Education BC.
  • Sturrock, G. (2004) Further thoughts on Teaching Gone Wild: A Conversation with Anthony Weston. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 9(1), 47-49

Courses taught

  • SPSC 1318
    Summer Outdoor & Alternative Environment Physical Education
  • SPSC 1322
    Applied Methods: Individual Activities and Games
  • SPSC 4199
    Physical Education and Coaching Methods
  • SPSC 4211
    Portfolio Exit
  • SPSC 5396
    Alternative Environment Physical Education

Scholarly activities and leadership

  • Wrestling Canada Lutte, Chair: Coach Education Advisory Council, Ongoing