Open educational resources

Open educational resources (OER) are free learning materials like textbooks, lectures, assignments, entire courses and more. They are designed to be customized, revised and reused for individual needs. OERs promote accessible, affordable and adaptable education for students and faculty. They are free in digital format and can be printed for a very low cost.

We are committed to providing open education resources for our students so they can access the materials they need to learn and succeed in their studies. To date, our faculty has saved students over .


Find out how OERs are used at Douglas

  • through the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵlibrary
  • See the list of ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ
  • Learn how the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵStudent Union


Many faculty members are already successfully in their classrooms. Some are also for use by students and others. Individual faculty members or teams can apply for incentive grants after they have replaced a commercial textbook with an open textbook or zero/low-cost supplemental materials in their course. Learn more below on how to apply and about our recent grant recipients.


Open Educational Resources incentive grants

Open textbooks

Individuals or teams teaching multi-section courses that have adopted, adapted or created an open textbook may apply for an incentive grant. Successful applicants are eligible to receive up to $500 towards the professional development activity of their choosing. Teams may receive up to $1500 towards a group event, project or activity.

Zero cost/low-cost supplementary resources

Individuals, or teams teaching multi-sections courses, that have replaced commercial supplementary resources with zero cost or low-cost supplementary resources may apply for an incentive grant. Successful applicants are eligible to receive up to $250 towards the professional development activity of their choice. Zero cost/low-cost materials may include library resources and digital course packs.

Please see our for more details.

Grant submission process

  1. Applications submitted to the Office of the VP Academic and Provost will be processed by the Open ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵWorking Group.
  2. Applicants must be regular faculty members.
  3. The open textbook must be a required resource for the course that replaces a commercial textbook. For a zero cost/low-cost grant, the OER supplemental resources must be at least 75% of the course and the total cost of course materials cannot exceed $25 CAD.
  4. The adoption of the OER or zero cost/low-cost supplementary material must reduce the cost to students and/or significantly increase their use of a textbook/learning resource.
  5. The VP Academic and Provost will review applications three times a year. Application deadlines are May 1, Sept. 1 and Jan. 1 annually.
  6. The incentive grant will be awarded to faculty after successful implementation of the open education resource.

Fill out this form to apply for the OER incentive grant.

Open Education Resources grant recipients

Applied Community Studies

  • Jason Lam, Child and Youth Care
  • Cal Oliver, Social Work

Commerce & Business Administration

  • Nelson Eng, Computing Studies & Information Systems
  • Chris Ricard, Marketing

Health Sciences

  • Leisha Vandermey, Nursing
  • Tonya Roy, Nursing

Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Laurie Beckwith, Anthropology
  • Sally Mennill, History
  • Carling Beninger, History
  • Sarah Paynter, Geography & the Environment

Language, Literature and Performing Arts

  • Sam Schechter, Communications

Science & Technology

  • Allan Majdanac, Mathematics

Faculty of Applied Community Studies

  • Cal Oliver, Social Work
  • Janice Spencer, Therapeutic Recreation

Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration

  • Michael Wufka, Computing Studies and Information Systems

Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Janessa Griffith, Health Information Management

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Elliot Rossiter, Philosophy
  • Carling Beninger, History
  • Atsena Abogo Marie Therese, Anthropology

Faculty of Language, Literature and Performing Arts

  • Elizabeth Bachinsky, Creative Writing
  • Sam Schechter, Communications
  • Michael Stachura, English
  • Nathan Szymanski, English

Faculty of Science & Technology

  • Andrew Kanerva, Sport Science
  • Mandana Salajegheh, Sport Science
  • Sean Conner, Sport Science
  • Allan Majdanac, Mathematics
  • Daryl Funk, Mathematics
  • Wesley Snier, Mathematics
  • Paul O'Connor, Chemistry

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Sarah Hogarth Rossiter, Philosophy & Humanities
  • Roger Tweed, Psychology

Faculty of Language, Literature and Preforming Arts

  • Fenn Stewart, English

Faculty of Science & Technology

  • Daryl Funk, Mathematics
  • Allan Majdanac, Mathematics
  • Jennifer Kirkey, Physics

Annual events

Have questions about open educational resources?

Debra Flewelling, Faculty - Librarian
604 527 5190

Trish Rosseel, College Librarian and Director, Learning Resources
604 527 5182