Family Health Promotion of Psychiatric Nursing Practice

Curriculum Guideline

Effective Date:
Course Code
PNUR 2171
Family Health Promotion of Psychiatric Nursing Practice
Nursing - Psychiatric
Health Sciences
Start Date
End Term
Semester Length
Max Class Size
Contact Hours
4 Hours per week (in class)
Method(s) Of Instruction
Learning Activities

Students will acquire knowledge and skill and learn to apply concepts through a variety of means of instruction and activities, including: lecture, demonstration, audio-visual aids, case studies, debate forums, critical thinking exercises and teamwork.

Course Description
In this course learners will be introduced to theoretical frameworks used to guide family health promotion in the context of primary health care delivery systems. Learners will examine family development, structure, and process concepts and review their historical underpinnings from family theory. Learners will have opportunities to apply the Neuman Systems Model and other assessment tools to a selected family and develop strategies to promote optimal family system stability and wellness.
Course Content

The focus of this course is to introduce the learner to family nursing frameworks that are based upon family development, structural, and process concepts.  Learners will be introduced to theoretical foundations associated with family theory and family nursing theory.  Various family assessment tools will be applied to selected families and case studies throughout.  Course content includes:


Unit 1: Family Health Care Nursing: Introduction

  • Introduction to Family Health Nursing
  • Approaches to Family Health Nursing
  • Psychiatric Nursing Roles
  • Family Structure, Function and Process


Unit 2: Family Demographics – Canadian Context

  • Changing Family Norms, Immigration and Ethnic Diversity
  • Trends in Population Health including Aboriginal Health
  • Family and Diversity in Canada
  • Canadian Healthcare Context


Unit 3: Theoretical foundations for the Nursing of Families

  • Foundations for the Nursing of Families
  • Theoretical Perspectives and Application to Families
  • Family Life Cycle Stages and Developmental Tasks
  • Family Systems Theory (Neuman)
  • Other Family Nursing Models


Unit 4: Family Nursing Process: Family Nursing Assessment Models

  • Family Nursing Process
  • Assessment of the Family Story
  • Analysis, Design, Intervention and Evaluation
  • Family Assessment Models for Psychiatric Nursing


Unit 5: Family Social Policy and Variation from Wellness

  • Social Policy
  • Determinants of Health and Variation from Wellness
  • Social Issues and Policies that affect Families
  • Psychiatric Nursing role in relation to Health and Illness care


Unit 6: Culturally Sensitive Nursing Care of Families

  • Psychiatric Nursing Perspective on Cultural Diversity
  • Theoretical Framework. Bowen Family Systems Theory
  • Psychiatric Nursing Care using the Family Systems Model


Unit 7: Family Mental Health Nursing

  • Family Members of Individuals with Mental Health Issues
  • Family Mental Health Nursing Practice
  • Assessment, Diagnosis, Identification, Planning & Implementation


Unit 8: Family Health Promotion

  • Family Health Models and Family Health Promotion
  • Nursing Process for Family Health Promotion


Unit 9: Families and Chronic Illness

  • Theoretical Perspectives to understanding Chronic Illness
  • Family Coping and Caregiver Concerns
  • Family Functioning, Resilience, Change and Adaption


Unit 10: Families in Developmental Changes

  • Key Issues in Developmental Change and Families (Exemplar: death, divorce, loss)
  • Family Nursing Practice, Assessment and Intervention
  • Supporting Families: Information, Empowerment and Healing


Unit 11: Gerontology

  • Theoretical Framework, and Profile of Aging Families
  • Family Caregiving
  • Abuse, Neglect, and Self Neglect


Unit 12: Psychiatric Nursing Care of Families with Trauma

  • Demographics: Families and Trauma
  • Effects of Trauma on Families
  • Family Nursing Practice Interventions
Learning Outcomes

In this course, learners will have opportunities to:

  • Develop their theoretical knowledge of family theory and family nursing theory
  • Discuss theoretical foundations associated with family theory and family nursing
  • Examine nursing frameworks that guide family nursing assessment and practice
  • Demonstrate application of Family Models of Nursing to guide family health promotion in the context of psychiatric nursing practice.
Means of Assessment

The course evaluation is consistent with ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ evaluation policy.  An evaluation schedule is presented at the beginning of the course.  This is a graded course.

Textbook Materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:


A list of required and optional textbooks and materials is provided for students at the beginning of each semester.
