Reading and Writing – Fundamental Level 4
In addition to those identified in ENGU 0125, students will receive instruction in skills and strategies in the following areas:
- differentiating between literal and inferential meaning;
- drawing inferences and conclusions;
- differentiating between fact and opinion;
- differentiating between likes, dislikes, and preferences;
- demonstrating strategies for learning and remembering words;
- using peer feedback and self-monitoring strategies to evaluate meanings and findings;
- understanding how quotations marks, semi-colons, parentheses, and dashes affect meaning;
- expressing and supporting opinions about text;
- using a dictionary;
- actively building new vocabulary;
- recognizing and using antonyms, synonyms and homonyms;
- continuing to learn and remember new words;
- expanding the use of context clues;
- increasing use of and integrating word attack strategies.
- generating and organizing ideas for writing;
- using paragraph form: topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion and transitional words and phrases;
- writing short narrative and descriptive paragraphs;
- proofreading and editing;
- identifying subjects and verbs in simple sentences;
- using commas in a series and in compound sentences;
- using capitals at the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns
- using appropriate end punctuation;
- using dictionary and thesaurus for spelling and meaning to develop new vocabulary;
- using compound words, contractions, possessives and plurals;
- using rules for adding affixes;
- using paragraph format: title line, blank line, indentation, connected sentences, clear margins;
- demonstrating logical sequencing of sentences;
- writing complex sentences using common subordinating conjunctions;
- writing compound sentences using commas and FANBOYS;
- recognizing and correct fragments and run-on sentences;
- using consistent verb tenses;
- using common regular and irregular past tense verbs;
- using subject/ verb agreement;
- using standard pronoun reference and agreement;
- editing written work;
- spelling common sight words and homonyms.
Skills and Strategies for Classroom Learning
- continuing to improve goal setting and time and work management;
- continuing to develop personal learning strategies;
- continuing to develop sense of personal and cultural identity;
- continuing to develop social responsibility in the classroom: an ability to work independently and with others;
- continuing to improve oral communication skills;
- continuing to improve critical thinking skills.
Computer Skills
- using word processing skills to complete assigned writing;
- improving basic word processing skills, including formatting paragraphs, changing fonts, margins and line spacing.
A combination of instructional methods will be employed in order to balance instructional efficiency with individual student needs, such as:
- Tutorial
- Class and small group instruction
- individual assistance (in lab tutorial or scheduled appointments)
- Pair work on tasks
- In-class reading and writing practice
- Computer assisted learning
- Instructor feedback
Student achievement will be measured using formative assessment tools and the mastery system in accordance with the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Evaluation Policy. Evaluation will be based on learning outcomes and course content. Progress towards course objectives and personal literacy goals will be monitored on a regular basis by the instructor in consultation with each student. Students will receive ongoing feedback from the instructor and informal progress reports. A student will have completed the course when satisfactory completion of exercises and assignments demonstrate that the course objectives have been achieved. Mastery will be granted to students who maintain regular attendance and punctuality and achieve an average of at least 70% on the items listed below. Evaluation will include, but need not be limited to, the following tasks:
- responding to formal letters, brochures, newsletters;
- responding to factual and fictional stories;
- responding to articles in the newspaper or online news (e.g. letters to the Editor);
- completing surveys or polls (online or paper-based) to state and rate likes, dislikes, dis/agreement, preferences;
- locating information using appropriate strategies (e.g. table of contents, glossary, headings, guiding words, menu);
- developing an awareness of the protocols and ownership associated with First Peoples texts.
- writing a how-to paragraph (i.e. repairs, recipe);
- going outside for a walk and writing a descriptive paragraph describing the surroundings;
- writing an opinion paragraph about a local issue after watching a news clip, reading an article and discussing the issue
- writing cover letters, emails, online applications;
- using editing rubrics.
Sample grade breakdown (based on tasks):
1 |
Responding to a variety of passages in familiar genres and answering questions based on the text |
10% (total) |
2 |
Responding to factual and fictional stories and answering questions based on the text |
10% (total)
3 |
Reading 3-5 paragraph passages on familiar and unfamiliar topics/genres demonstrating the ability to differentiate between fact and opinion and draw inferences and conclusions |
10% (total) |
4 |
Locating information in passages and a range of texts using different strategies |
10% (total)
5 |
Writing paragraphs of 5-8 sentences using familiar forms |
20% (total)
6 |
Reading about and discussing an issue and writing an opinion paragraph |
15% (total)
7 |
Editing own and provided texts to correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and organization |
15% (total)
8 |
Participation & in-class work |
10% (total)
Upon completion of this course, successful students will be able to:
- read three-to-five paragraph passages of familiar genres (e.g. concrete, factual) including abstract, sepcialised vocabulary);
- read three-paragraph passages of unfamiliar topics and genres (e.g. argument, opinion, inference) including familiar vocabulary.
- write paragraphs of five to eight sentences using familiar forms (i.e. narrative, process, descriptive, opinion);
- write formal correspondence to a specified audience.
Supporting Outcomes Reading
- develop word reading skills;
- develop specific strategies to improve reading comprehension;
- enlarge vocabulary to fulfill reading needs;
- increase background knowledge by developing awareness of current topics and concerns;
- improve ability to orally present information obtained from reading.
Supporting Outcomes Writing
- develop confidence and enjoyment from personal writing activities;
- gain knowledge of and experience using the processes of writing;
- improve construction of multi - sentences;
- improve competency in constructing sentences;
- improve awareness and control of the conventions of standard written English;
- improve awareness and control of the degree of formality suitable for different writing tasks;
- demonstrate growth in ability to produce written communication that expresses personal feeling and ideas;
- demonstrate growth in ability to write for different purposes and for various audiences.
Skills and Strategies for Classroom Learning
- improve goal setting and time management;
- develop personal learning strategies;
- demonstrate growth an ability to work independently;
- improve communication skills;
- continue to develop the classroom, workplace, and learning behaviours introduced in ENGU 0125.
Computer Skills
- improve basic word processing skills.
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students
Students must supply a three-ring binder, paper, pen and pencil.
All other materials will be available on loan from the instructor when needed.
ENGU 0125 or permission of instructor
No corequisite courses.
No equivalent courses.
Course Guidelines
Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.
Course Transfers
These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see
Institution | Transfer details for ENGU 0146 | |
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course. |