Workplace Communications for Selected Programs

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
CMNS 1111
Workplace Communications for Selected Programs
Language, Literature & Performing Arts
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
Max class size
Contact hours

Lecture: 2 hours/week; Seminar: 2 hours/week


Hybrid: 2 hours/week in class; 2 hours/week online


Fully online

Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

This course will emphasize learning through doing. Working individually and in groups, students will be involved in the writing, analysis, and evaluation of various documents. Under the instructor’s guidance, students will integrate the results of primary or secondary research with correct language principles in a number of writing situations. Students may be required to write in response to textbook cases, film or video scenarios, field trip experiences, and other workplace situations encountered in the community. Other methods may include lectures, group discussions, and presentations by resource people with field-related expertise.

Course description
Communications 1111 is designed for students in selected programs including Hearing Instrument Practitioner (HEAR) and Veterinary Technology (VTEC). Instruction is adapted for workplace settings appropriate to each program area. Assignments are drawn from a number of possible components: correspondence, memoranda, reports, social media, and other program-related documents. Course work also includes instruction in writing strategies for effective on-the-job communication, and may include instruction in oral communications situations as oral presentations, employment interviews, and meetings.
Course content

Course content will be drawn from the following areas:

Writing skills:

  • Coherence and cohesion
  • Clarity and conciseness
  • Sense, feeling, tone, intention 
  • Word choice, voice
  • Mechanics: grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, etc.

Writing tasks:

  • Reports: progress, informational, problem/solution
  • Letters and memos: application, sales, persuasive, bad news, transmittal, to the editor, inquiry, information
  • Agenda and minutes
  • Resume
  • Process description
  • Manual writing
  • Summary
  • Brochure
  • Newsletter
  • Expanded definition
  • Press release
  • Social media posts
  • Email
  • Exercises


  • Field-related material as content and context for assignments, e.g. summary

Oral skills:

  • Listening and responding
  • Preparing: research, organization, prompts
  • Delivery
  • Physical behaviour
  • Use of visuals 
  • Use of presentation software

Oral tasks:

  • Employment interview
  • Meetings
  • Oral presentations


  • Collaboration or teamwork
  • Interpersonal communication with readers of writing assignments, with interviewers, and with participants of meetings.
Learning outcomes

Communications 1111 has been developed to meet the communications requirements of a number of programs.

General skills:

The student will be able to:

  1. Write in standard English
  2. Demonstrate communicative competence, i.e. appropriate communication behaviour in specific communication contexts.

Specific skills:

  • The Communications instructor will choose from the following list those skills and tasks appropriate to the business and technologies fields.

Written skills:

The student will be able to:

  1. Write appropriately for single and multiple readers
  2. Distinguish objective from subjective statements
  3. Distinguish internal from external written communication situations
  4. Use correct language fundamentals in all written assignments
  5. Write effective sentences
  6. Write well-developed paragraphs
  7. Demonstrate unity, coherence, and emphasis
  8. Prepare written reports using language conventions consistent with appropriate field-related standards and practices
  9. Compose a set of procedures related to a business or technology subject.

Written tasks:

Students will be able to successfully complete a variety of tasks which the Communications instructor selects from the following:

  1. Extract and summarize the main points from field-related articles
  2. Develop an effective application letter and resume
  3. Compose an informative report on a workplace-related topic
  4. Write effective correspondence in a variety of relevant situations consistent with field-related standards and practices
  5. Demonstrate the ability to develop and compose an agenda
  6. Demonstrate the ability to record and compose accurate minutes of a meeting
  7. Compose an informative brochure
  8. Compose a newsletter for a field-related organization
  9. Compose a press release on a field-related event or issue
  10. Compose a set of procedures related to a business or technology subject
  11. Demonstrate the ability to research using primary and secondary sources
  12. Demonstrate the ability to select and analyze researched information and then to present it following the documentation conventions appropriate to the field, avoiding plagiarism.


The student should also be able to:

  1. Prepare for an employment interview
  2. Plan, prepare, and deliver oral presentations
  3. Participate in informal and formal business meetings
  4. Document business meetings.


  1. Collaborate effectively with other students
  2. Interact appropriately with the readers of their written work, job interviewers, and participants at meetings
  3. Understand basic communication theory as it relates to the student’s chosen field.
Means of assessment

The course evaluation is consistent with the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Evaluation Policy. To pass CMNS 1111, students must demonstrate the ability to write in standard English. Given the variety of programs for which CMNS 1111 may be adapted, evaluation components may vary significantly.

A typical grading profile is as follows:

Writing assignments (4-6) 50-60%
Oral presentation 10-20%
Quizzes 10-15%
Writing Exercises/Participation 10-20%
Textbook materials
  • A current edition of a communications text such as Carolyn Meyer's Communicating for Results
  • Selected short readings available through Blackboard as PDFs or weblinks

Any College entrance Language Proficiency Requirement with the exceptions of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Course Options in ELLA or ENGU and the assessments listed below. These require the specified higher standard for entry into CMNS, CRWR and ENGL courses.
• a minimum grade of C- in ELLA 0460, or a minimum grade of C- in both ELLA 0465 and 0475, OR
• a minimum grade of C- in ENGU 0450 or ENGU 0455 or ENGU 0490, OR
• Mastery in ELLA 0330 and any two of ELLA 0310, 0320, or 0340, OR
• TOEFL overall score of 83 with a minimum of 21 in Writing, OR
• IELTS overall score of 6.5 with no band below 6.0; for individual bands below 6.0:
       • if in Speaking, ELLA 0210 required
       • if in Reading or Listening, ELLA 0220 required
       • if in Writing, ELLA 0230 and ELLA 0240 required
• CLB score of 8, OR
• CEFR level B2+, OR
• CAEL minimum overall and essay score of 70 (computer or paper based), OR
• recognized equivalent or exemption.